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  3. EHR/Practice Management System Integrations

How to launch the EyeCloudPRO Integration with Optify

A simple email is all that is needed from you to initiate the EyeCloudPro and Optify integration.

Please send an email to EyeCloudPro requesting the integration with Optify using the copy below:

Email to: support@eyecloudpro.zendesk.com

Subject: Optify Integration

Hi ECP, 

We just partnered with Optify and would like to start the integration process. 



Once EyeCloudPro has completed its end of the integration our team will be notified. This process takes about 7 business days. You do not need to do anything else once EyeCloudPRO has acknowledged your request. 

Need further assistance, email us at customersuccess@optifyonline.com