How do I change my email notification preferences in Optify?

Follow these simple steps to select how you would like to receive email notifications around patient requests, etc.

There are two places you can change your notification preferences. 

Option 1

1. Please log into the admin dashboard ( ex.
2. Click your profile icon in the upper right hand corner, select 'Account'

Optify Account
3. 'Notifications'
4. Toggle on or off the emails to fit your preferences..

Notifications Optify

5. Click 'Save'

Option 2
(to update your preferences or others)

1. Please log into the admin dashboard ( ex.
2. Admin -> Organization

Organizations Optify

3. Click 'View' next to the admin or team member
4. 'Edit Profile' in the top right corner
5. Toggle on or off the notifications at the bottom 

Daily Summary Optify

6. Click 'Save'